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Academic Search Elite
(access via EBSCOhost)
Multi-Discipline Student/Staff A multi-discipline database contains more than 2,100 full-text journals on academic subjects.
Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development Social Work Student/Staff The Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development is published by the Department of Social Work of the National University of Singapore, in collaboration with the Asian and Pacific Association for Social Work Education. It is an internationally refereed journal, cited in the Social Sciences Citation Index®.
Asian Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics Social Work Open access This journal the official joint publication of the Hong Kong Geriatrics Society and Hong Kong Association of Gerontology. It publishes peer-reviewed English and Chinese articles representing the full range of medical, social, and rehabilitation sciences related to older people.

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BioMed Central Nursing and Healthcare Open access BMC has an evolving portfolio of some 300 peer-reviewed journals, sharing discoveries from research communities in science, technology, engineering and medicine.
BPP University English Language support for ACCA Business Open access Working closely with ACCA, BPP University has produced a set of online English language learning units that are specifically designed around your ACCA exams. Each unit is an hour long and will develop the language skills you need to succeed in your ACCA study.

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China Journal of Social Work Social Work Student/Staff China Journal of Social Work is the first academic English journal jointly edited from Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland to focus on social work development taking place in China. While the journal will primarily focus on the Chinese mainland, it welcomes contributions from other countries and regions, which have broad implications for social work internationally.
CINAHL with Full Text
(access via EBSCOhost)
Nursing and Healthcare Student/Staff CINAHL® with Full Text is the world's most comprehensive source of full text for nursing & allied health journals, providing full text for more than 610 journals indexed in CINAHL®. This authoritative file contains full text for many of the most used journals in the CINAHL index - with no embargo. Full-text coverage dates back to 1981.

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DOAB (Directory of Open Access Books) Multi-Discipline Open access DOAB is a discovery service for peer viewed books published under Open Access license. It provides searchable index with links to full texts of publications at publisher’s website or repository.
DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) Multi-Discipline Open access DOAJ is a community-curated list of open access journals and aims to be the starting point for all information searches for quality, peer reviewed open access material.

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eBook Academic Collection
(access via EBSCOhost)
Multi-Discipline Student/Staff A collection contains multi-disciplinary academic eBook titles, including Accounting, English, Marketing and etc.
eBook Nursing Collection
(access via EBSCOhost)
MNursing and Healthcare Student/Staff eBook Nursing Collection features more than 600 hand-selected, quality e-books that focus on the needs of nursing professionals, including clinical guides, evidence-based practice manuals, practical handbooks and professional growth titles.
Emerald Publishing Open Access Multi-Discipline Open access Emerald is offering over 1,000 open access articles to the public.
eTax Business Open access eTAX is the gateway to the Inland Revenue Department’s (IRD) electronic services. It offers you an EASY, SECURE and ENVIRONMENT-FRIENDLY means to facilitate your compliance with the tax law.

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Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services Social Work Student/Staff Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services is one of the most enduring and highly regarded scholarly publications on family-centered social work. The journal, published by the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities, has a long-standing focus on person-centered, asset-based approaches to practice and policy.
Flipster Multi-Discipline Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries Flipster offers a wide range of English e-magazines covering various topics such as business, sports, modern trends, automobiles, news, science and technology, health as well as leisure and hobbies. Both current and back issues are available for online reading or for downloading to mobile devices for access at any time. Title list is available at here.
FreeBooks4Doctors Nursing and Healthcare Open access FreeBooks4Doctors was created to promote the free availability of medical books on the Internet.

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Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants e-Handbook Business Open access HKICPA Members' Handbook with limited functionality (view, save and print only)
Hong Kong Legal Information Institute Law Open access The legal information system is developed and jointly operated by the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law and the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII). It provides free access to primary legal materials from Hong Kong (and some publicly available secondary materials) by use of technology that is both easy to use in the diversity of materials that it covers.
The Hong Kong Journal of Social Work Social Work Student/Staff The Hong Kong Journal of Social Work is a bilingual academic journal published by the Hong Kong Social Workers Association Limited in collaboration with World Scientific in English and Chinese. It emphasizes articles related to the field of social work, written in the local context.
Human Anatomy & Physiology (access via anatomy.tv) Social Work Student/Staff Explore 20 interactive modules covering every body system with accurate and interactive 3D anatomy and media rich physiology content that brings this complex subject to life. With case studies and quizzes to expand your understanding.
(Please click Here if the website keep loading)
HyRead ebook Multi-Discipline Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries It mainly offers Chinese books published in Taiwan, including children books for paired reading, literature and fiction, and books on business and economics, household knowledge, social sciences, technology and medicines, language learning, education, biography, etc. The books are available for online reading or for downloading to personal computers and mobile devices.

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IAS Plus Business Open access IAS Plus is a comprehensive source of global accounting news and resources, featuring an extensive collection of information about International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), and broader international financial reporting developments.
International Nursing Review Nursing and Healthcare Student/
International Nursing Review is a key resource for nurses world-wide. Articles are encouraged that reflect the ICN’s five key values: flexibility, inclusiveness, partnership, achievement and visionary leadership.
iRead eBook華藝電子書 Multi-Discipline IP access / Account login access 共收錄了逾40,000本繁體中文電子書,已上線逾40,000本。是全台灣收錄「數量最多」、「主題最多元」、「最容易使用」的中文電子書服務平台。

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Journal of Advanced Nursing Nursing and Healthcare Student/
The Journal of Advanced Nursing (JAN) is a world-leading international peer reviewed journal. JAN targets readers who are committed to advancing practice and professional development on the basis of new knowledge and evidence.
Journal of Clinical Nursing Nursing and Healthcare Student/
The Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN) is an international, peer reviewed, scientific journal that seeks to promote the development and exchange of knowledge that is directly relevant to all spheres of nursing practice.
Journal of Community Practice Social Work Student/Staff The Journal of Community Practice is an interdisciplinary journal grounded in social work. It is designed to provide a forum for community practice, including community organizing, planning, social administration, organizational development, community development, and social change. The journal contributes to the advancement of knowledge related to numerous disciplines, including social work and the social sciences, urban planning, social and economic development, community organizing, policy analysis, urban and rural sociology, community health, public administration, and nonprofit management.
Journal of Nursing Management Nursing and Healthcare Student/
The Journal of Nursing Management is an international forum which informs and advances the discipline of nursing management and leadership.
Journal of Nursing Scholarship Nursing and Healthcare Student/
Reaching health professionals, faculty and students in 103 countries, the Journal of Nursing Scholarship is focused on health of people throughout the world.
Journal of Social Policy Social Work Student/Staff The Journal of Social Policy carries high quality articles on all aspects of social policy in an international context. It places particular emphasis upon articles which seek to contribute to debates on the future direction of social policy, to present new empirical data, to advance theories, or to analyse issues in the making and implementation of social policies. The Journal of Social Policy is part of the 'Social Policy Package', with Social Policy and Society.

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Nang Yan Business Journal Business Open access The NYBJ’s aim is to publish high-quality research papers and case studies by international academics and practitioners that will advance the theory and practice of business management.
Naxos Music Library Multi-Discipline Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries It is a highly resourceful online music database which includes the complete Naxos, Marco Polo and Dacapo catalogues. Music genres covered include classical music, jazz, folk songs around the world, traditional Chinese music, …etc.
Naxos Music Library Jazz Multi-Discipline Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries It is one of the most comprehensive online libraries on jazz music around the globe, which offers a large selection of classic and contemporary jazz music albums released by the world’s famous jazz labels as well as the works by jazz artists and composers through different ages.
Naxos Video Library Multi-Discipline Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries It is the world's leading video library on performing arts, which offers an extensive streaming of full-length videos from the world's greatest opera houses, ballet companies, orchestras and prestigious artists.

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OmniFile Full Text Mega Multi-Discipline Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries OmniFile Full Text, Mega Edition provides a wide range of research resources. It contains full text of articles from over 3,100 publications dating back to 1994. It also contains abstracts and indexing from nearly 5,100 publications as far back as 1982. The subjects covered include applied sciences, art, education, humanities, law, social sciences, technology, etc.

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PQDT Open Multi-Discipline Open access PQDT Open provides the full text of open access dissertations and theses free of charge. You can quickly and easily locate dissertations and theses relevant to your discipline, and view the complete text in PDF format.
ProQuest Ebook Central Multi-Discipline Student/Staff A multi-disciplinary collection which contains eBooks in English.
PubMed Nursing and Healthcare Open access PubMed comprises over 28 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. PubMed citations and abstracts include the fields of biomedicine and health, covering portions of the life sciences, behavioral sciences, chemical sciences, and bioengineering. PubMed also provides access to additional relevant web sites and links to the other NCBI molecular biology resources.
PubMed Central (PMC) Nursing and Healthcare Open access PubMed Central (PMC) is a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM).

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Report of the Select Committee to Inquire into Matters about the Agreement between Mr LEUNG Chun-ying and the Australian firm UGL Limited
Multi-Discipline Student/Staff Select Committee to Inquire into Matters about the Agreement between Mr LEUNG Chun-ying and the Australian firm UGL Limited : Report of the Select Committee.
Research in Nursing & Health Nursing and Healthcare Student/
Research in Nursing & Health ( RINAH ) is a peer-reviewed general research journal devoted to publication of a wide range of research that will inform the practice of nursing and other health disciplines.

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Safari Business Books Online Business Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries Safari Business Books Online provides access to business-related e-books. The topics include business and finance, accounting, human resources, management, customer service, employee performance, etc.
Social Policy and Society Social Work Student/Staff Social Policy and Society is an international academic journal sponsored by the UK Social Policy Association. The journal welcomes stimulating original articles that draw upon contemporary policy-related research and associated developments in the social sciences. Each issue contains peer reviewed articles reflecting topical debates and issues within social policy and uniquely, a themed section, edited by a Guest Editor(s). Every themed section includes an introductory piece, a set of peer reviewed articles, a selected review of the key literature, plus a guide to key sources in the area.
Social Work Social Work Student/Staff Social Work is the premier journal of the social work profession. Widely read by practitioners, faculty, and students, it is the official journal of NASW and is provided to all members as a membership benefit.
SpringerOpen Multi-Discipline Open access SpringerOpen journals and books are made freely and permanently available online immediately upon publication. They are subject to high-level peer review, author and production services ensuring quality and reliability of the work.
SUEP e-Book Multi-Discipline Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries A collection offered by Sino United Electronic Publishing Ltd. (SUEP) through the “HyRead ebook”platform, comprising Chinese books that are mainly published in Hong Kong, covering children books for paired reading, literature and fiction, as well as books on business and economics, household knowledge, social sciences, technology and medicines, language learning, education, biography, etc. The books are available for online reading or for downloading to personal computers and mobile devices.

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Trip Nursing and Healthcare Open access Trip is a clinical search engine designed to allow users to quickly and easily find and use high-quality research evidence to support their practice and/or care.

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Wiley Open Access Nursing and Healthcare Open access Wiley Open Access publishes authoritative peer reviewed open access journals across many research disciplines.

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小學堂 Chinese Language and Literature Open access 由臺灣行政院科學委員會補助,臺灣大學中國文學系、中央研究院歷史語言研究所、資訊科學研究所、數位文化中心共同開發,是綜合形、音、義的文字學資料庫。本資料庫主要由漢字古今字資料庫及漢字古今音資料庫組成。漢字古今字資料庫由甲骨文、金文、戰國文字、小篆、異體字表資料庫組成,而漢字古今音資料庫則由上古音、中古音、近代音、官話、晉語、吳語、徽語、贛語、湘語、閩語、粵語、平話、客語、其他土話資料庫組成,各資料庫除可互相連結外,也可獨立使用。
中英對照香港學校中文學習基礎字詞 Chinese Language and Literature Open access 香港教育局課程發展處中國語文教育組以《香港小學學習字詞表》為基礎,對部分字詞附加簡單英文解釋,以照顧非華語學生的學習需要。網站收錄漢字3,171個,詞語9,706個,並設四字詞語、多字熟語、文言詞語、專名術語、音譯外來詞語、人名地名用字六個附表,提供繁體字和簡化字字形,粵語和普通話讀音資料。
中藥材圖像數據庫 (Chinese Medicinal Material Images Database) Nursing and Healthcare Open access 此圖象庫收集常用中藥材420餘種,並附有詳盡説明和比較。
中國期刊全文數據庫 (China Journals Full-text Database) Multi-Discipline Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries 本數據庫提供自1994年至今內地出版的數千份全文期刊,涵蓋文學、歷史、哲學、政治、軍事、法律、教育與社會學、經濟與管理、基礎科學、工程技術、農業、醫藥衞生、電子與信息科學等範疇。
中國優秀碩士學位論文全文數據庫 (China Masters’ Theses Full-text Database) Multi-Discipline Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries 本數據庫收錄自1984年至今數百家內地學術機構發表的碩士論文,涵蓋文學、歷史、哲學、政治、軍事、法律、教育與社會學、經濟與管理等範疇。
中國博士學位論文全文數據庫(China Doctoral Dissertations Full-text Database) Multi-Discipline Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries 本數據庫收錄自1984年至今數百家內地學術機構發表的博士論文全文,涵蓋文學、歷史、哲學、政治、軍事、法律、教育與社會學、經濟與管理等範疇。
中醫藥標本資料庫 (Chinese Medicine Specimen Database) Nursing and Healthcare Open access 儲存了香港浸會大學中藥標本中心所有中藥材展品之記錄及相關資料,包括中藥材品種、鑑別及運用常識。
中國哲學書電子化計劃 ( Chinese Text Project) Chinese Language and Literature Open access 提供中國歷代傳世文獻的電子全文,收錄逾三萬部著作,逾五十億字,尤以先秦兩漢文獻為主,部分文本更附有中英對照、原典影印版等。
方正中文電子書 (Apabi Chinese eBooks) Multi-Discipline Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries 方正(Apabi)是收錄內地出版的中文電子書數據庫。香港公共圖書館現已購藏其中超過九萬本書籍。電子書館藏分兩大部分:「運動與健體」及「各科電子書」,後者涵蓋哲學、社會科學、文學、藝術、歷史、地理、自然科學和醫藥衛生等科目。
古今圖書集成全文資料庫 (Complete Classics Collection of Ancient China) Chinese Language and Literature Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries 《古今圖書集成》是今存中國最大的類書,採錄自上古至清初歷代典籍,內容廣及天文地理、人事物類、政治經濟、思想學術、軍事法律、文化藝術、醫農百工等各方面,為中國古籍集大成的百科全書。「古今圖書集成全文資料庫」是將此一萬多卷典籍融合為一的文獻彙編,提供原文圖像及文字內容,並附有分類及全文檢索功能,方便讀者尋找中國古文獻豐富的內容。
香港中文期刊論文索引 Chinese Language and Literature Open access 《香港中文期刊論文索引》(HKInChiP) 為在香港出版的中文和雙語期刊提供論文索引,引用的期刊超過三百種。大部份期刊之索引資料從一九八零年開始,但重要之學術期刊則從創刊號開始。收錄最早之期刊為香港第一份中文刊物《遐邇貫珍》(一八五三年八月一日出版)。《索引》為網上期刊的免費文章提供電子全文連結,並獲約二十種期刊授權提供全文影像予大學教育資助委員會屬下院校師生瀏覽,作教學及學術研究之用。
香港文學資料庫 (HK Literature Database) Chinese Language and Literature Open access 此資料庫是首個有關「香港文學」的資料庫,除具備多項檢索功能外,資料庫部分條目更附有該文章之全文。資料庫的資料包括:香港報章文藝副刊的文章、學報及期刊文章、香港中文大學大學圖書館之館藏香港文學書刊和學位論文,總數超過50萬筆,其中供閱讀的全文超過186,000篇。
異體字字典 Chinese Language and Literature Open access 由臺灣教育部開發的異體字網上字典,根據其所頒正字表(常用、次常用、罕用字表)中的正字為綱領,蒐羅六十二種古今字書文獻相應之異體字形,所收字形達十萬以上,有助讀者瞭解歷代異體字的字形、字音、字義及其演變脈絡。
重編國語辭典(網路修訂本) Chinese Language and Literature Open access 此資料庫是首個有關「香港文學」的資料庫,除具備多項檢索功能外,資料庫部分條目更附有該文章之全文。資料庫的資料包括:香港報章文藝副刊的文章、學報及期刊文章、香港中文大學大學圖書館之館藏香港文學書刊和學位論文,總數超過50萬筆,其中供閱讀的全文超過186,000篇。
搜韻網 Chinese Language and Literature Open access 整合《漢語大詞典》、《康熙字典》、《典故大全》、《歷代詩詞庫》、《佩文韻府》及《詞林正韻》等多種資源,為詩詞創作者提供了詳盡的用韻、遣詞及造句參考。更附有「詩詞校驗」、「詩詞檢索」等專業功能,可按照體裁、朝代,甚至韻部,檢索歷代詩詞中之關鍵字詞或句子。
遠景繁體中文電子書 (Vista E-Book in Traditional Chinese) Multi-Discipline Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries 本數據庫收錄自1984年至今數百家內地學術機構發表的博士論文全文,涵蓋文學、歷史、哲學、政治、軍事、法律、教育與社會學、經濟與管理等範疇。
粵音韻彚 Chinese Language and Literature Open access 此網頁由香港中文大學人文學科研究所人文電算與人文方法研究室粵音電子字典組 建立。 網頁主要取材自黃錫凌《 粵音韻彙》 一書。
粵語審音配詞字庫 Chinese Language and Literature Open access 由香港中文大學人文電算研究中心開發的粵音資料庫,主要收錄黃錫凌《粵音韻彙》、李卓敏《李氏中文字典》、周無忌與饒秉才《廣州話標準音字彙》、何文匯與朱國藩《粵音正讀字彙》等書中的粵音資料,兼收香港語言學學會建議的口語讀音。
漢語多功能字庫 Chinese Language and Literature Open access 由香港中文大學人文電算研究中心開發的漢語多功能字庫,包括「粵語審音配詞」、「古文字繫形」、「形義源流通解」、「英漢索引」等不同功能,為當代漢語教育及研究者提供更大的支援。
漢典 Chinese Language and Literature Open access 相當專業的網上中文字典,可查詢漢字及成語的詞性及基本解釋,並可查詢漢字的部首、拼音、倉頡碼、四角號碼、字源字形、英譯及《康熙字典》、《說文解字》的解釋。
漢籍電子文獻資料庫 Chinese Language and Literature Open access 由臺灣中央硏究院歷史語言硏究所開發的中文電子全文資料庫,累計收錄經、史、子、集四部之典籍達一千一百八十五種。
臺大圖書館公開取用電子書 (National Taiwan University Library Open Access E-books) Multi-Discipline Open access 電子書已是現今資訊載體的發展趨勢,臺灣大學圖書館自2006年起,開始徵集國、內外公開取用電子書資源,類型包括一般書籍、研究報告、學位論文、會議論文集、政府出版品等,歡迎讀者多加利用。
韻典網 Multi-Discipline Open access 綜合古代韻書如《廣韻》、《中原音韻》、《洪武正韻牋》、《分韻撮要》和《上古音系》的網站,頗便於查詢方言、古詩詞之音韻。
藥用植物圖像數據庫 (Medicinal Plant Images Database) Nursing and Healthcare Open access 數據庫以植物圖片附加文字説明的形式,用中英雙語對千餘種藥用植物進行了系統的歸類和介紹,並提供檢索平臺。
3D Atlas (access via anatomy.tv) Nursing and Healthcare Student/Staff Explore details in the human body by region with high resolution 3D models, allowing you to rotate, add or remove anatomy and identify and learn more about any visible structure. In addition to 3D anatomy, this title also contains 3D cross sections with MRI correlations and detailed text linked to dissection slides, video clips and animations.
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